Ive been on the search for a delicious vegan burger patty recipe for a while now. I’ve tried many versions from books and blogs, only to find them too bland, too crumbly, too dry, or just too …meh… and so I kept on looking, with good faith and hope in my heart that surely there was a gem of a recipe that i was missing! Little did I expect the nicest vegan...
The one person who stood out most for me at the recent Golden Globes was the beautiful bubbly actress Kate Hudson. At 36 she honestly looks better than I’ve ever seen her look and her sculpted arms and stomach were on justified display in a sparkling Michael Kors gown. Now I know she’s the walking poster board right now for her athletic clothing company Fabletics...
Ive been hearing the name Gigi Hadid a lot lately… For those of you who have not yet heard of her, she’s the beautiful young step-daughter of the music maestro David Foster and his model wife Yolanda. The main reason I suppose she’s the name on everyones like recently is that she is one of the newest Victoria’s Secret models and she’s a friend of another...
My sister announced over breakfast this morning that our small country of Ireland is the 4th worst in the world for sugar consumption. We are behind only the U.S, Germany and The Netherlands. Initially I found this surprising, having lived in the US and having also toured Germany quite a bit, I honestly didn’t think we consumed as much sugars as either places…...
The beautiful Emily Ratajowski rose to fame a mere two years ago after appearing rather scantily clad in Robin Thicke’s music video for the biggest song of that year Blurred Lines. Truthfully i had never seen her before in my life or heard of her until I saw Ben Affleck’s movie Gone Girl (I don’t watch tv much) and I didn’t realise that she had already been...
If you’re one of the 90 or so million instagram fans I’m pretty sure you’ve come across something that looks like the above picture. Dubbed “smoothie bowls” they have become quite the breakfast of choice for the healthy eating community on there. I think they’re popularity is mainly due to their visual appeal rather than the practicality of putting a...
Okay, so I know she may primarily be a singer, but she has done her share of acting too, (Dreamgirls, Obsessed, Austin Powers…) and when I saw her recent pictures at the Met gala, she looked so beautiful, I wanted to see what Queen Bee was up to lately that had her looking so good (not that she ever doesn’t look good, let’s be honest!)! But anyway,...
Breakfast has always been my favourite meal of the day. Even back when I used to keep it simple with a bowl of porridge or a boiled egg and toast, I always just loved the fresh potential of early mornings, sitting quietly, only a few steps out of the nights web of dreams, savouring every bite of nourishment the earth had blessed and continues to bless me with. I...
Okay, so Im a day late posting but better late then never right? I also couldn’t hold back on sharing the pancakes I created yesterday as they were undoubtedly one of the best batches of pancake’y goodness I’ve ever made. So here they are…. my gluten free pancake tower in honor of pancake (shrove) tuesday! Best invention the bible ever had...
Although this blog is titled Eat Like An Actress, some of the most enviable women in the world, to most girls, are without doubt the VS models and well, models in general. I am always interested in discovering what these girls do to achieve that glowing healthy look we all strive for and when I find a celebrity in general whose diet and fitness routine is...